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防护服种类 危险 危险程度 防护材料 磨蹭 严重 加强的橡胶 , 加强的重皮 不太严重 橡胶,塑料,皮革,聚酯,尼龙,棉 尖锐的物体 严重 金属丝网 , 加强的重皮 , KEVLAR ® 芳纶钢网 不太严重 皮革,绒布(芳纶纤维) 细腻的做工 轻巧的皮革,聚酯,尼龙,棉 化学品和液体 风险根据化学产品,它的浓度,时间和其他因素之间的接触而变化。 请参阅制造商或产品的MSDS。 根据化学产品要求 .  比如 , 天然橡胶,氯丁橡胶,丁腈橡胶,丁基橡胶,PTFE(聚四氟乙烯), 特氟隆 ® Vitom® ,聚氯乙烯,聚乙烯醇, Saranex ™ , 4H® , Chemrel® , Responder® , Trellchem® 极冷的环境 皮革, 有防护层的 塑料或橡胶,羊毛,棉 极热的环境 高于350℃ 石棉, Zetex ® 高达350摄氏度 Nomex ® , Kevlar® , 氯丁橡胶涂层石棉,耐热皮革衬里 高达200摄氏度 Nomex ® , Kevlar® , 耐热皮革,毛巾布(芳纶纤维) 高达100摄氏度 铬鞣革,毛圈布 普通工作 棉,毛圈布,皮革 感染 塑料,轻 皮 革,棉,涤纶,尼龙 放射性 含铅的橡胶 , 塑料或皮革 What are the trade...

ChenShang Botanic Garden

ChenShang Botanic Garden , a set on Flickr. Latest trip to ChenShan botanic garden

MCAT Writing Sample Items

The object of education should be to teach skills, not values. Describe a specific situation in which the object of education might be teaching values rather than skills. Discuss what you think determines when the object of education is to teach skills and when it is to teach values The nature of democracy requires that its citizens be dependent upon one another. Describe a specific situation in which citizens in a democracy might justifiably not be dependent upon one another. Discuss what you think determines when citizens in a democracy should be dependent upon one another. Of all the forms of media, television has the strongest influence on public opinion. Describe a specific situation in which television might not have the strongest influence on public opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television has the strongest influence on public opinion. History is the record of humanity's wars. Describe a specific situation in which history might be the rec...