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Showing posts from 2009

More at Sarnia


2 for $20

One Starter Two entrees One Desert for the low low price of $20 us        

First time at Chili's


Heading off to Port Huron

        but we were held off at the customs for about an hour... cuz zhenhua needs her i-94... which is a req doc for foreigner's entry to us

Sunset at Sarnia Beach


How to manually install a firefox add-on

lol i mean manually manually!!!! first download .xpi file open it with winrar open \defaults\preferences\prefs.js in the content copy all the pref(s) to \(profile dir)\prefs.js at the end... and don't forget to add "user_" in front of the pref... making them "user_pref... " the first line of the prefs is usually --> extensions.***********.description make a dir in \(profile dir)\extensions\, name it ******* copy all the contents from the xpi to that dir go back to profile dir... open extensions.ini u'll see --> Extension0=N:\Software\FireFox\extensions\blah blah blah Extension1=N:\Software\FireFox\extensions\blah blah blah etc.... add another line at the bottom Extension2=wherever your new made dir is... save everything while firefox is not running, double check in the task manager... voila! all done, now open firefox... and u'll get a msg telling u that a new add-on has just been installed... hmm this took me 20min to figure out... don't u jus...