DSC00676-Lightroom , originally uploaded by Forest Wang . Shot using the famous 28-135 f4 at Waterloo Park It was a good day... but i didn't wanna study, so procrastinate until the last minute...
Got thru the presentation fairly easy, but was looking at the prof’s facial expression most of the time… and heck he was confused about wat i’m talking about the entire time… luckily, ran out of time and i had to rush thru the conclusion and critique part… i am however happy about changing the backshifter along with back handle break… the new shimano looks awesome… will change the front ones as well, and hehe get the hood i wanted long time ago:D 7up cooked tons of delicious goodies… sadly they are all appetizer portions
So much to do, so little time i have… Assign #4 is due tonight Seminar is tomorrow, which means the ppt is also due tonight French test #4 is tonight oh oh and on top of that i just got rejected for a job position HAVING A FREAKING AWESOME DAY
Woke up at 1:30pm, had a shower, did absolutely nothing… Read the paper for about half an hour, and fell asleep on the couch again… But 7up did come home early, and we decided to throw some freezbee around in the park since it’s so nice and sunny outside:D